I am done for the time being on my Jonah series. I've enjoyed spending time with his drawings, and turning his thoughts into my own. The early drawings featured lots of circles, while lately it is all about lines. I continue to be amazed at the way he fills the page when he draws or paints. There is much to be learned about composition. What's next?Great question! I've started a painting for some friends in Columbus, a landscape of the botanical gardens. I started it last summer, dabbling in acrylics (a medium I rarely use - I'm not fond of the texture or the way that the colors mix). I pulled the painting back out a few weeks ago and worked on it some more, even letting Jonah paint some, before deciding that it couldn't be saved. Instead, I began painting from my painting (rather than the photograph that I had been using - also something I don't particularly like to do) and realized that it was a love note to Columbus. Having been absent over a year now, I feel at home in Lafayette, but Columbus was the first place I lived with my husband. It is where my son was born. It is where I researched and went to school. It has my favorite restaurants and parks. So although it is a painting of Franklin Park Conservatory, I am going to map onto it the places I love.
Ruth M. SmithCommunity arts educator and researcher. Drinking coffee. Home educating. Making art. Listening intentionally. Categories
February 2022